Namaste Everyone,Tomorrow is the day when our beloved maryadapurushottam bhagwan Ram took avatar in Ayodhaya.All his children will collect in Mandir and celebrate this pious day of Shri Ramnavami.Our temple will be open on 30.03.2023 (Thursday) from 17:00 – 19:00 Hours (Respect the Mandir opening hours). You all are our Read more…
Namaste Everyone,As informed earlier, Mandir will be open on Ashtami 29.03.2023 (Wednesday/Mittwoch) from 14:00 – 18:30 Hours. Ashtami Kanya Pujan is planned from 16:30 – 18:30.All Stuttgart Mandir Family Members who wish to do Kanya Pujan in Mandir can visit Mandir accordingly.Your Mandir Family नमस्ते,विगत नवरात्रियों की भांति इस नवरात्री Read more…
Namaste Everyone,We have two more days left for our Shri Ramcharitmanas Akhand Path celebration. There is not doubt that with all of you, this Akhand Path will become a milestone of god’s blessing and blissful experience. Your Mandir Family
हमारे धर्म में माता सरस्वती का बड़ा ही महत्त्व है, जिसपर ज्ञान की देवी माँ सरस्वती की कृपा होती है अनेको विभूतियाँ उसको स्वतः ही प्राप्त हो जाती है. 26.01.2023 को बड़ा सुंदर संयोग था क्योकि हमारा राष्ट्रीय त्यौहार और माता सरस्वती का प्राकट्य दिवस एक ही दिन पड़ा था. Read more…